Trapped Nerve Issue 3
£3.00 / On Sale
Third instalment of Trapped Nerve. A zine in which I, a perpetually irritated man, attempt to navigate my descent into this Orwellian purgatory by interviewing weirdos and writing about politics and mad old films. To wit it features, Iggy from Abnegation, Dean from Gehenna, Andy from The Horror, Sam from Savage Realm, Simon from Dawn Ray'd, Sam from All Is Lost, Libby and Fin from Untold Suffering and Craw from Cold Hard Truth/ Six Ft Ditch. Plus loads of other stuff. Sixty odd pages. Thick enough that you'll be able to roll it up and use it as weapon, you fucking weapon.
Postage costs to Europe and America have increased to the point where it takes the actual piss. I'm sorry. Hit me up for a PDF or something.